Yearning in Situations of Loss (YSL) Scale
The YSL scale is provided here for researchers wanting to use it in studies of people who may experience yearning. It is not a clinical scale with a cut-off score, and not designed to provide information for individuals. The scale has been used to demonstrate group differences or associations with other variables, such as nucleus accumbens activity in fMRI studies of grief.
Although the GLASS Lab cannot respond to requests for information on individual YSL scores, we encourage you to check out The Grieving Brain for more information on grief and grieving, from all types of loss (bereavement, break up, homesickness).
YSL: Bereavement version [25.76 KB]
YSL: Romantic break-up version [310.44 KB]
YSL: Homesickness version [309.65 KB]
Eisma, M.C., Stelzer, E-M., Lenferink, L.I.M., Knowles, L.M., Gastmeier, S.K., Angelopoulou, M., Doering, B.K. & O'Connor, M-F. (2020). Wish You Were Here: The Dutch, German, and English Yearning in Situations of Loss Short Form. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1–20.
Donald J. Robinaugh, Christine Mauro, Eric Bui, Lauren Stone, Riva Shah, Yuanjia Wang, Natalia A. Skritskaya, Charles F. Reynolds, Sidney Zisook, Mary-Frances O’Connor, Katherine Shear & Naomi M. Simon (2016). Yearning and Its Measurement in Complicated Grief. Journal of Loss and Trauma, 21:5, 410-420.
O'Connor, M.-F. & Sussman, T. (2014). Developing the Yearning in Situations of Loss Scale: Convergent and Discriminant Validity for Bereavement, Romantic Breakup and Homesickness. Death Studies, 38, 450-458.